Eckersley White have been the preferred agent for a number of local developments including the Victory Court seafront apartments for Roxan Construction and Swordfish Close, a mixture of new houses and apartments for Swanhill Homes. We have also sold a number of smaller sites locally for Bensam Homes.
Our Gosport office were the sole agents for Grays lane, a select development of detached houses by Bargate Homes.
We have also sold brand new homes for Jentree Mitre LLP, Crayfern Homes, Berkeley Homes and Roxan Construction.
If you have a building plot, be it a single or multi property site, and you need advice, our extensive list of contacts makes us the first choice.

Seaward Point, Osborne Road
5 x 2-bedroom apartments to include 1 Penthouse, moments from the seafront, all with en-suite bathrooms and parking. Prices range from £325,000-£495,000. Contact us for details.
Channel View, Monckton Road
A prestigious development of seven luxury apartments with many having spacious walk on contemporary balconies with spectacular coastal views across the Solent to the Isle of Wight
Monckton Road
A choice of two brand new detached houses constructed of brick elevations under a tiled roof. Features include double glazed windows and an air source heat pump providing central heating with an underfloor wet system to the ground floor and radiators on the first floor.
Royal Engineer Mews
Renovated and refurbished Mews Cottages, in a small development of 8 units. Excellent access into Gosport Town Centre and by passenger Ferry to Portsmouth. Ready for occupation now.